Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Animation Response

From the beginning of this project, iMovie and I did not get along and in the end, the technological difficulties, the flaws in the application, somewhat limited my enthusiasm regarding both of my animations. I was happy with the actions that I chose to animate, someone pumping gas and someone playing guitar. I felt that they were both pretty basic and mundane, especially pumping gas, which is something that is very rarely recorded by itself. By that I mean that we have seen scenes at gas stations in movies and tv shows, but probably no short films or documentaries that revolve solely around one person pumping gas and what he does in the meantime. On the other hand, that might have made it a really boring minute long production.

After animating the guitar sequence, I was uneasy about all of my camera movement. Because the movement of the hand strumming the guitar and the guitarist's body movements were so subtle and contained, I felt that the clip became more about documenting my positioning around her rather than the act of the actual playing. I think that this was more of an issue with the guitar rather than the gas pumping because at the gas station I was surrounded by moving cars and I needed to stay put in order to not get run over. In my friends dorm room, there were no moving vehicles.

I ended up re-shooting my loop sequence (the guitar), but this time I recorded a different action. I actually liked my second attempt much better, but it really came down the the problems with iMovie. I had already finished animating the guitar sequence and I just didn't have enough time to finish the new one. Despite the fight I had with iMovie, I did enjoy the assignment. It was an interesting change of pace and since then I have been shooting multiple frames of any interesting actions and playing through them on my camera like a movie.

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